CHARLES YU is the author of three books, including the novel How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, which was a New York Times Notable Book and named one of the best books of the year by Time magazine. He was nominated for two WGA awards for his work on HBO’s Westworld and
Read MoreMom thinks a pet would cure my melancholia. I’m not sure. Right now, we’re sitting in her car in the pet store parking lot. She won’t go in because my sister Becca’s
What is it about the genre or cross-genre you write in that interests you/draws you in? As a writer, I prefer creative nonfiction because I simply lack the creativity to make up
What is it about the genre or cross-genre you write that interests you/draws you in? When I was in the third grade, I wrote a poem for Danny, the shiest human
I’m just starting to make caramel in my parents’ kitchen in New Jersey when my mother pulls a great big hamper of laundry up to the counter across from me and starts
What is it about the genre or cross-genre you write in that interests you/draws you in? I’m drawn to the immediacy and rawness of poetry. I like getting caught up in the
What is it about the genre or cross-genre you write in that interests you/draws you in? I write in all genres, and I’m often most interested in the similarities and differences between
What is it about the genre or cross-genre you write in that interests you/draws you in? I’m most drawn to poems which are written for the ear and invite out-loud readings. I
THOMAS MIRA Y LOPEZ is the author of The Book of Resting Places (Counterpoint 2017). His work has appeared in The Georgia Review, The American Scholar, and The Kenyon Review Online, among others. He is an editor
What is it about the genre or cross-genre you write in that interests you/draws you in? Fiction is just a quilt of all our own life experiences. It’s the truths we know