Letters on MFAs

2 mins read

Continued from previous post.

JR: …It’s JR from MB’s class. How’s it going? Where are you now? The main question is: Have you written anything lately?

NS: I hope to be finished with a story soon, since I finally actually started one the other day. Send me one and I’ll read it asap. I live in Tucson…

Are you applying to grad schools?

JR: I’m finishing up one as well, so you should email me yours when it’s done, and I’ll send you mine then. I am going to apply to grad school, but I’m going to apply for the fall of 2010. Is that when you want to go, or do you want to go fall of 09?

I’m in Boston for the next seven months. I’m supposed to go to law school in the fall at U of M, but I don’t know if i’m going to go. I really don’t feel like it…

NS: I got my letters back…

I’m not surprised by the rejections bc seriously my GRE scores were sooo low. I am surprised though that MB never wrote me back! I had to get recommendations from my old poetry professor I hadn’t talked to in maybe a year and felt kind of bad about it.

I’m picking Arizona bc of their better reputation for CW and bc I already live here. It’s too bad I just got a promotion at my job and feel pretty comfortable there now, not like I did when I was applying, but I think I’ll like grad school more anyway…

I’ve been writing this really silly first-person narrative that I’ll send to you when I’ve sort of come up with a stopping point, or, like, a point at all.


-N. Stagg