
We accept previously unpublished submissions in fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Typical response time is six months. Please submit only once every six months.

Let us know if you are simultaneously submitting. If your work is accepted elsewhere, we ask that you withdraw promptly on Submittable. Poets may withdraw individual poems by leaving a message on the submission manager stating the title of the poem(s) to be withdrawn.

Sonora Review’s editorial board and designers change every academic year. The effect of this ever-evolving nucleus of staffers is a shelfful of motley journal spines, each boasting its own aesthetic. Our hope is that our contributors are as disparate as our taste-testers. If you didn’t get published in 1996, try again; the grumpy alum are long gone.

At this time we do not accept unsolicited book reviews or interviews.

PROSE (Fiction / Non-Fiction) should be typed, double-spaced, and include page numbers. We are unable to read prose submissions that exceed 5,000 words. Include a cover letter with your name, address, phone number, and email in the header, and a brief biography.

POETRY (Up to 5 poems per submission) should be typed and submitted in one document, with the titles separated by commas in the “Submission Title” field. You may abbreviate the titles if they do not fit. Include a cover letter with your name, address, phone number, and email in the header, and a brief biography.

FLASH PROSE should be typed, double-spaced, and include page numbers. We are unable to read submissions that exceed 1000 words. (Due to their length and higher frequency of publication, these pieces will most often be published online, but may also be considered for publication in our print issues.)  Include a cover letter with your name, address, phone number, and email in the header, and a brief biography.

TRANSLATIONS (Prose / Flash Prose / Poetry) should follow the guidelines of their respective genre above. In your cover letter, please include a brief note about your possession of rights, permissions, and/or public domain status regarding your translations. Include a cover letter with your name, address, phone number, and email in the header, please also include two biographies, both your own biography as well as the translated writer’s biography. 

To submit:
Sonora Review accepts online submissions through Submittable. General submissions cost $3 per genre. While this fee is an integral part of keeping our small-time, volunteer-run operation running, please let us know if this cost is a barrier by emailing We’re happy to provide a fee waiver. 

We are no longer able to accept submissions by mail.