Carlee Hill is a 24 year old Leo. She has appeared as many incarnations around town, including the former KXCI deejay Suzuki Bean, a member of the cast and writers of last year’s The Penis Monologues on Live Theatre Workshop‘s Etcetera stage and a waitress at Grill (on Congress). She updates 2 blogs, Alchemy is Real and the lifestyle blog, THRIFTINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS.
Natasha Stagg: What are you up to lately?
Carlee Hill: I am almost done with a nearly yearlong marathon of cancer treatments. I play all day with my 6-month-old son, Max Thunder, and our 3 dogs and my big noisy smelly moody magical family.
NS: What’s your connection to Tucson?
CH: I live in Tucson. I have since I was 9. But now I live in the southside neighborhood I grew up in again.
NS: What are you reading?
CH: I Am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne and Last Words by George Carlin. Outside of my family I really only care about famous people and my friends. I think all my friends should be famous.
NS: Suggest something to do in Tucson.
CH: Drink in the Red Room.
NS: Suggest something to read.
CH: Love in Infant Monkeys by Lydia Millet. It’s a collection of short stories about famous people and their encounters with animals. She lives around here.
Read about Carlee in The Arizona Daily Star and the Tucson Weekly.