Restlessness | Martha McCollough


Martha McCollough’s new book, Trash Witch, is forthcoming from Lily Poetry Review Books in February 2025. She is the author of Wolf Hat Iron Shoes (Lily Poetry Review Books 2022) and the chapbook Grandmother Mountain (Blue Lyra 2019). Her

Three Poems | Adam Stutz


Loosen Cogs Gardens Gravel & Glass I envision layers of affronts & exaggerations—              working like mirrors— watching disaffection creep in              w/ sleepwalking debs & beaus we’re way past unstable

Seams | Annie Diamond


Though it should mean without bears,bearless means barren. The opposites of word, according to,question, silence, breach, break, quiet. Quixotic comes from Don Quixote,a book I have not read. First known concordance

Route 126 | Estella Burque


When the desert highway freezes over in the dead of night,you can lay on that cold-soaked mattress in the truckbed,you can watch the bruised purple skin of the sky. Freckled with stars,

Two Poems | Lynne Ellis


Low Tide at the Double Bluff Off-Leash Area / General Anesthesia Unexpectedly, a bit of tissue passes Lynne Ellis writes in pen. Their words appear in North American Review, Poetry Northwest, The Seventh