Three Poems | Dia Roth

Allergies 2 I didn’t know you could be allergic to cold water. Reactions can range from hives  to death—though yours have always been mild.Summer came late this year, the lake full of fresh 

Two Poems | Maureen Clark

Particles Dark matter moves the universe away                   from itselfhold your breath        the matter           with no name            

A Mother’s Grave | Edison Dupree

This painful stonetooth has nothing to grindagainst but sky.All your panickyrage is coffined,it’s tamped in, deeper than I amtall. Nothing to fearnow but the poison’sown loneliness,standing here,saying its charm, as if to

Two Poems | Rhoni Blankenhorn

Gates Pass At the moment of her death,the cactus wren dive-bombs her own nest.Feathers and twigs tanglein white thorns.Saguaros throw up their armsunable to slow the sun.Chollas turn lustless.Sweating and cold along

Orcinus | Jessica Cordes

I’ve been dreaming of whales. Orcas, in water so clear and blue it makes me yearn for something I can’t place. In the dream, I’m in a kayak on the clear blue

Two Poems | Cecilia Stelzer

rotating system the old cure for cysts was to hit them with a biblegrandma was flashed after exiting a theaterspider crickets jump toward you, not away rental my last landlord sent mea

last call | Jack Giaour

can i buy  you a drink  can i just say that  trans* people are not  a burden  it’s  your body that  gave you away  it’s  your  body  that  i like  can i

Drag Night at the Imaginary Gay Bar | Patrick Kindig

The lights dim. The seatsfill with sequinedcowboys. Leatherdykescirculate, lean againstthe bar. Everyoneis here & everyone wants to be here. The drinksare strong & cheap& named thingslike desert rose& cactus blossom.They make the

Two Poems | Margarita Cruz

On the First Day of the Year, I Try to Write You A Love Poem after We Drink Until 5 AM Kitchen floor cigarettes light into the New Year like birthday candles–the