The Cloak | Amanda Bertsch


Jameson saw the selkie three times. The first time he was little more than a boy, fifteen and gangly with it, walking along the beach drunk on summer and the rum he’d

Swarm Behavior | Paulina Jenney

Acronicta leporina It’s late April in Bisbee and the sun is in the wrong place over the Swisshelm mountains for the kind of hot it is. The perry penstemons in the yard

Unmothered | Shawna Ervin

“Call me back as soon as you get this,” the woman said on my voice mail, her voice tense. She was the director of Korean adoptions at the agency we had used

Only the Necessary Suffering | Wendy Call

History of present illness—A 45-year-old male with no significant past medical history. His symptoms initially beganon Sunday with left ear pain and tooth pain. Also on Monday, he developed a rash over


I put the slip mat from the dish pit in the three sink.I hang it over the three walls. I spray it with the hose.I watch the flour and sugar and mushrooms

In Search of Signs | Caitlyn Zawideh

Around the time that Amal was first admitted to the hospital, my great aunt had a dream that her late husband pulled up to Amal’s house in a white Cadillac.  We have

Closer Than Gone | Mario Aliberto III

He saw a ghost once. Must have been about ten, maybe eleven years old. On nights like tonight, when the ghost was foremost on Brady Scrugg’s mind, he abandoned his apartment for

In Motion | Sarah Sheppard

Lights dangled from the ceiling at Seattle’s King Station, illuminating the white granite walls. A small-scale elegance compared to the Union Station where my two-month trip began, but still beautiful, iridescent, awe-inspiring.