Two Poems | CD Eskilson


What If Hermaphroditus Let Salmacis Stay Part of Them Because that They had come to think⠀⠀of weight against the body as a kindnessThey were gifted—that undisputed They.⠀⠀Because it was a body scores

Two Poems | Rodrigo Toscano


Humanity (a loose brick) Dislodged a brickfrom the cathedralof Salamanca Humanism —that was dodgy— Took that brick homeput it on the mantlestuffed it in the closet —that was freaky— Then took the

The Dark Place | Trinity Herr


            My reptile mother birthed a reptile daughter –            cold-blooded, always chasing sunlight.             The weather turns a screw in a fractured femur,            and wrenches me rheumatic with the foresight             of

Stain | Alli Cruz


Christmas, blue lights refract through the wetwindshield. Us, in the backseat,while my brother drives through the richestneighborhood in Orange County. It’s tradition.From the passenger, my sister says,Who’s the white girl?I don’t know

Zumba Prayer | Marianne Kunkel


Bless the man who dismounted an elliptical            just as a song blaring from a far room of the gym ended.His timing was perfect, to know when he poked             his sweaty head

love-psalm | Emerson Gray


My knees pop and crackle like a fireplace as I kneel at her feet on the carpeted floor. I flinch—my body suddenly feels too crooked, too misshapen to be here.She smiles like redemption,

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