Letters on MFAs

See previous posts with similar titles. NS: I’m sure you’ll get into better programs because you won’t be hungover and unprepared for your GREs, right? …I love Tucson and I’ve heard good

Two Part Review: SoundQuest Fest

Steve Roach et al.: SoundQuest Fest 2010 Berger Performing Arts Center Steve Roach is an ambient and new age musician who lived in Tucson for 16 years before the air traffic became

Content Call

Here at Sonora Review we are constantly looking for input. Usually, by input, we don’t necessarily mean both commentary and content, but in this case, right now, we do. Please send content

Letters on MFAs

Continued from previous post. JR: …It’s JR from MB’s class. How’s it going? Where are you now? The main question is: Have you written anything lately? NS: I hope to be finished with

Interview with David Backer

David Backer was born in 1984 in Danbury, Connecticut. He’s currently pursuing a PhD in philosophy and education. His blog is davidbacker.com. Natasha Stagg: Give us a little history on your website, FictionDaily.

Tucson Success Stories: Lauren Lederman

Lauren Lederman was born in Tucson and raised there for most of her childhood and teenage years. She was a Rotary exchange scholar to Brazil in 2005-2006, won first place in the

Review: Jackass 3D

The second 3D movie I ever saw was Jackass 3D (now playing at El Con and Park Place Malls). My friends Bob and Michael and I went out to breakfast and ordered

Letters on MFAs

Friends and strangers and old classmates and coworkers have all been asking me: What is an MFA? I’m sure I’m not the only one here in this program who gets asked this.

Review of Kim Gek Lin Short’s Run

Kim Gek Lin Short’s Run is nothing short of what you always wanted from a cross-genre hybridity of poesy merged with a fatal fable of death/love/sex. I think it’s poetry, but there’s