grace (ge) gilbert is a genderless poet, essayist, and collage worker based in Brooklyn. they are the author of 3 chapbooks, most recently the closeted diaries: essays (Porkbelly Press 2022), and NOTIFICATIONS

Black Brood Anomaly | Edward Helfers


Nobody expected butterflies. Dense flocks appeared along the Atlantic Seaboard that August, radial bands stretching from Cape Canaveral to Mount Desert Island. Eyewitnesses snarled the phones at natural resource departments claiming aerial

Luck (A Sequence) | Ashley Dailey

Ashley Dailey (she/her) is a writer and multimedia artist from Sargent, Georgia. She mostly writes about family and the cultural legacies of the American South. Her work has received support from the

Klackum’s Cure | M.E. Kopp

The bell clangs.  “I’m coming,” Henry Klackum calls from behind the backroom’s curtain. He sets down the amber bottle and the brush dewed with paste. On the wide, pine table sit twelve

anamnesis beneath umbrella | J. David

for thirty- seven minutes  i watched the day  break blue across  steelyards  yesteryear forgot  while recounting the names  of my ex-girlfriend’s siblings. i imagine this  to be the kind of forgiveness  a

Estranged | Summer Hammond


What are your plans for Mother’s Day? Your question tightens my belly, squeezes my chest, constricts my throat. Your question leaves me gasping for words. Can you tell? When you ask it?

Night X | Ann Zhang


Night Six, my mother invites me to help with dinner. From the fridge she pulls tofu and scallops and shrimp without tails. I search the cabinets for almond milk, ask what about