Echoes | Ashlyn Zilch


Alice was the first of us to fade away. The first signs began when winter dawned. Early, before the sun rose, the morning dew solidified into crystals, which crunched like gravel beneath

Black Brood Anomaly | Edward Helfers


Nobody expected butterflies. Dense flocks appeared along the Atlantic Seaboard that August, radial bands stretching from Cape Canaveral to Mount Desert Island. Eyewitnesses snarled the phones at natural resource departments claiming aerial

The Cloak | Amanda Bertsch


Jameson saw the selkie three times. The first time he was little more than a boy, fifteen and gangly with it, walking along the beach drunk on summer and the rum he’d

The Side of the Road Forever | Heather Aronson

Winner of the Sonora Review Issue 80 Fiction Contest, selected by Lydia Millet Holly’s pee sounded like voices. She used to think it was just the noise it made hitting the toilet,